追踪 主持人 作坊
开始 Doug Richardson&Zoe Quinton 拥抱很糟糕
小说 加里菲利普斯 小说的元素
探索与Gary Phillips新颖的元素。
编剧 Danny Manus. 如何润色你的剧本
正如他们所说的 - 写作正在重写!能够将脚本重写并能够重写给专业标准,这将使它脱颖而出。在这个课程中,我们将通过键接近重写和抛光 - 从宏到微型 - 拧紧脚本时要查找的内容。We will go over how to make sure your script is connecting emotionally, your character arcs are strong, your scenes are tight, purposeful, and begin and end at the right beats, that your script is keeping the reader’s attention, and that your dialogue and descriptions are tight and on point. We’ll even go over the nitty gritty final polish stages that most writers forget to do.
诗歌 Lynne Thompson. 关于向文学期刊投稿的问题
商业 香农麦克曼 有声书让你的单词变得鲜活